About me

?????????????????????????????I’m Clive Mullis and thanks for dropping in to my website.

I’m a former paramedic who decided that there must be another way of earning a living.

I’m the  author of Banker’s Draft, a light hearted fantasy detective story set in the fictional City of Gornstock. There has been a murder, and Cornwallis has been called in to find the murderer, but in Gornstock things aren’t quite as they seem.

Scooters Yard, my second Gornstock novel, is another detective story and the police have a radical rethink!


  1. I’m a former EMT, trained a lot of paramedics during my medical school career. Not earning a living writing, however. Maybe one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My dad is an ECP – not sure I could ever do what he does.

    Good luck with the second title!


  3. Hi Clive, nice to meet you. I’m a retired nurse practitioner, so know about healthcare careers. Writing is where it’s at for me. Look forward to reading more of your writing. Christine


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